Peter Färber
- peter.faerber@unibe.ch
- Postal Address
- Universität Bern
Graduate School of the Arts
Peter Färber
Muesmattstrasse 45
3012 Bern
Peter Färber
CV follows soon
Prof. Dr. Cristina Urchueguía, Universität Bern, Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Prof. Dr. Michael Harenberg, Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB, Musik und Medienkunst
Doctoral project
The moving speaker, from sound reproduction to staged sound.
What happens when speakers are moved, and which musical possibilities do they offer? Moving a speaker causes amplitude and frequency modulation as well as changes in the reflection patterns between speaker and room surfaces. The speaker is now a point source and can be clearly localized, audibly and visibly. It thus becomes a sound object. Its movement establishes a scenographic installation, a spatial sound staging.
The research project examines technical foundations, historical conditions, theoretical and artistic considerations which led to the use of moving speakers in early electroacoustic music. It analyzes and documents their use and medial change based on a corpus of over 50 works of sound art, performance and electroacoustic composition from 1940 to 2016.
Research priorities
Musicology, Performance Practice, SoundArt, Performance, Music and Technology